Teamwork is your competitive advantage. Let’s show your customers a POWERFUL FIRST IMPRESSION of your team of CONFIDENT, CAPABLE, and uniquely GIFTED people. We offer a simple and convenient system for great team shots using the latest digital technology.
Many of the photos below were shot on a green screen. Can you tell which ones? Click the button to schedule now and don’t hesitate to call or email with questions.
Composite Images
Many of our group shots are actually individual photos that are cut out and combined in Photoshop as one cohesive image. Our system solves a few problems: 1) Scheduling a group of busy people to be in one place at one time. 2) Needing everyone to retake a group photo when you lose or add team members. 3) The photo you have doesn’t fit the layout of your website or social media.
Check out this link for a behind the scenes peek at the compositing process!
We have a collection of awesome background images for any look you want for your team. If you prefer a traditional group photo we can do that too!
What’s this gonna cost me?
$350 for the first person and $150 for each additional, which includes ONE retouched headshot and ONE retouched group shot. Additional retouched headshots are $49/each. Additional group layouts are $150.